took kiddo to see The Lorax last week. animation was great, wasn't expecting all the songs tho. it was still good tho.
i've been pinning like crazy on Pinterest. but it's been paying off cause i've made some yummy food. i'll post pics and links to the recipes soon.
i've checked out some books from the library on mean girl behavior.'s started. my little girl is dealing with mean girls in FOURTH GRADE!!!!! so not happy about that. but these books have been helpful and a good resource.

by Michelle Anthony, Reyna Lindert

by Rachel Simmons
also i've offically joined my local YMCA and i've been going tues/thurs for kickboxing and m/w/f for use of the gym. i feel really good about that. i've partook in a full body fitness class and holy crow did that class KICK MY BUTT!!! i sneezed the next day and was in tears my abs hurt so bad. so i'll be going back to that this friday.
i re-read The Hunger Games for the upcoming movie. i still don't really like Katniss. i know people LOVE her, but eh. i'm interested in seeing how they pull everything off for the movie, but i know i'll be disappointed with some stuff.
i've finally made some way in reading The Games of Thrones. i think i'm finally more then halfway through. i'm really enjoying it. it's just such a THICK book!! which normally doesn't bother me.
the next two weeks is going to be a bit crazy for us. next weekend the 24th, marks 10yrs of marriage for hubby and i. we've had a roller coaster ride so far and i'm not ready to get off. he's my everything and i'm so happy to get to spend some time with him. no clue what we'll be doing yet but i know we'll have fun.
the following weekend we'll be celebrating kiddo's 10th birthday!!! i'm still in shock that i have a 10yr. i love that kid so flippin much!!!!!
this week we'll be having kiddo undergo allergy testing. she was tested for peanuts at age 1 and it came back positive. we were told then that she'd have a 20% chance of growing out of it. she's not a severe case, but we have an Epi-Pen just in case and watch what she eats. but we've never had her tested for tree nuts. it was pretty stressful just for the peanut test, that it just didn't happen. so we'll be going thursday and seeing how the allergy is now. she's kinda excited and nervous all at the same time. if she comes back negative to peanuts, the first thing she wants to try is....Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. that's my girl.
so yeah....that's what's been going on here! hope all is well!
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